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Week 2


🟢 Learned Elixir 🟢 Issue Resolution in flows and templates


🏅 Docker 🏅 Templates Category Change 🏅 Interactive Templates 🏅 Import Collection


🎯 Learned Elixir: I dedicated significant time to learning the Elixir programming language. I explored its functional programming paradigm, concurrency model, and powerful abstractions. I gained a solid understanding of Elixir's syntax and semantics, enabling me to write efficient and scalable code.

🎯 GraphQL and API Understanding: I delved into GraphQL and deepened my understanding of how APIs work. I learned about the benefits of using GraphQL in building efficient and flexible APIs. I explored concepts like schemas, resolvers, queries, and mutations, and gained hands-on experience in implementing GraphQL endpoints.

🎯 Issue Resolution in Flows and Templates: I encountered and successfully resolved various issues related to flows and templates. I tackled challenges related to data flow and logic in complex systems, optimizing the performance and functionality of flows and templates.